My dream is to be General surgeon so I’ll work hard to fill full my dream and become a doctor which helps people…

Publish Date : 2023-06-01

Hello my name is Alrubee Narjsi Dawoid I’m from group 4a sixth education year and I came from Iraq together with my sister Alrubae Hawra Dawood.

After coming from Iraq to Belarus I learned to many things and it was a great experience and best journey in my entire life.


So the life of university was full of different experiences so I participated in to different Olympiad and conferences which gave me inspiration about medicine I had too many enjoyment while studying here in university so I participated in Russian language Olympiad and got the first place which I was so happy and proud of myself and grateful to the teacher who teaches me Russian language Ирина Анатольевна she was so great teacher that teaches me Russian with passion.

Then I participated in conference of young researchers which was held in 2021 it was about gynaecology and I’ve got the second place after that I had more interest in researches so the next year on 2022 I participated in it with oncology department and I had second place and allots of new knowledge about it and on that time and now I have more interest in medicine and Learning about it with participation in such conferences.


Here in Belarus I’m not alone I came together with my sister Alrubae Hawra dowood and we’re studying together so she helped me allot with researches and conferences even she participated in most of them with me we are together helping each other in many ways learning together and supporting each other to continue our journey together

I also have another sister Alrubae uqd alzahraa which she graduated last year 2022 she also was a big help for me and my sister she teaches us and help us studying while she was here and she really appreciated being here and and grateful for studying in Grodno state medical university.

I came here to Belarus and Grodno especially by help of my father he found out about it and bring us here three of us together and now I’m really grateful to my dad who found out about such great university.

The most memorable event was Russian Olympiad and young researchers conferences and of course each day in the university was memorable day for me like each day we spend it together with the group and our classmates that they were very nice and intelligent and very kind we were like family and spent most of time together we learned many new things that we started it from anatomy which was the best subject together with histology and biochemistry and then we started levelling up day pay day year by year till we got the ability to make diagnoses and state treatment for different types of diseases by helping of learning other subjects like internal disease, pharmacology, radiology, neurology, topography anatomy, paediatric, gynaecology, general surgery, surgical disease, orthopaedic, oncology, psychiatry, infectious diseases, rehabilitation and physiotherapy and other interesting subjects which build up our knowledge and special thanks to the teachers which help us understand this difficult subjects and gave us knowledge which will stay with as in entire lifetime which will help us treating patients.

After graduating I am planning to return back to my country together with my sister and will apply for Baghdad medical university and continue our internship and residency in Iraq my dream is to be General surgeon so I’ll work hard to fill full my dream and become a doctor which helps people…

So my wishes for the applicant who are planning to become doctors and study in Grodno state medical university is study hard with passion and have fun in participate in different events which is held in university so studying medicine is not only reading but also enjoying our life in university and have memories which will last forever, best wishes to all students who are studying in our medical university.

And in the last thing I want to congratulate Grodno state medical university on the 65 anniversary of its formation international faculty it was the best university by helping us teaching us and give us opportunities to be future doctors and I’m together with my sisters are so grateful to Grodno state medical university together with different departments and teachers which they was great help for us thank you so much from bottom of my heart and especially the dean of international faculty Алеĸсандр Алеĸсандрович Стеньĸо and vice dean Людмила Николаевна together with dean’s office the really make our lives easier thanks to them we’re graduating peacefully and I don’t forget special thanks to Оĸсана Иосифовна in department of international affairs she is a great help to international students.