The project “Young scientists and Budding researcher’s” was successfully implemented

Publish Date : 2023-06-01


In 2022-2023, with the assistance of the Council of the Student Scientific Society of the GrSMU, as well as the university management, the project “Young scientists and Budding reserchers” was successfully implemented, the main tasks of which were: to help foreign students integrate into the scientific society, as well as to expand the opportunities for foreign students to deepening the basic knowledge and understanding of the structure of clinical trials. Within the framework of the project, the international student scientific committee of the faculty of foreign students, headed by Mehul Hitesh Sadadiwala, organized and conducted three voluntary educational courses, on topical issues of scientific research, for students of the faculty of foreign students in English, which were attended by more than 400 students of the FIS, determined to actively participate in the activities of the Student Scientific Society.

The students of the faculty of foreign students express their gratitude to the leadership of the university, as well as personally the chairman of the Council of the Student Scientific Society Savitsky I.S. for support in the implementation of the project.

R. Savitski Igar Sviatoslavovich, Head of the Student Scientific Council, was felicitated by the students of International faculty. Mr. Savitski, with his tremendous efforts and resilience, facilitated in development of scientific activities in the International Students’ Scientific Society.

Students highly appreciate the invaluable contribution that Mr. Savitski made in conceptualizing, pioneering, and shaping the International Students’ Scientific Society. His visionary actions and the goodwill to persistently strive for the betterment of scientific opportunities for the International students of Grodno State Medical University have set high inspirational benchmarks. His work with students has created countless new opportunities that have allowed the students to soar even higher in the limitless sky of research and scientific disciplines. His fearless approach and courage to bring a positive change have made the seemingly impossible challenges achievable. Students admire his leadership, resilience, and patience.

This felicitation was done by Mehul Hitesh Sadadiwala, the President of the International Students’ Scientific Committee, on behalf of the students of International faculty.