Grodno State Medical University

Embark on an extravagant medical odyssey in the heart of Belarus, facilitated by none other than BCE – the unparalleled Sri Lankan torchbearer of educational excellence. BCE proudly operates an exclusive foreign sanctuary right next to the esteemed Grodno State Medical University, where our tirelessly dedicated, round-the-clock staff orchestrates a symphony of brilliance throughout your illustrious six-year academic passage. Grodno State Medical University (GRSMU) stands as a luminous jewel in the global medical crown, not just endorsed, but lavishly adorned with approvals from the most revered of institutions: SLMC, AMC (Australia), GMC (UK), and ECFMG (USA). Prepare for an awe-inspiring ascent, as BCE and GRSMU pave your way to medical eminence!”

“The solitary Sri Lankan envoy entrusted with the stewardship of a distant haven adjacent to Grodno State Medical University, complete with an unwavering corps of full-time operatives dedicated to assuming the mantle of guardianship over your complete six-year educational sojourn in the Belarusian expanse.”

The illustrious 6-Year MD (Doctor of Medicine) Program stands as a pinnacle of advanced education, meticulously delivered through state-of-the-art pedagogical methodologies, ingeniously sculpting the students of today into the medical trailblazers of tomorrow’s industries. This academic odyssey unfolds over two transformative Phases: The maiden triad of years (First 3 Years) immerses students in the realm of Pre-Clinical Training, characterized by a symphony of theoretical erudition. In the ensuing triennial crescendo (Final 3 Years), the narrative transitions into Clinical Training, an epoch marked by experiential pedagogy rooted in the tangible world of practice.

Behold the sanctuary of Grodno State Medical University (GrSMU), where the seeds of proactive involvement are sown even from the inaugural year of study, as students partake in hospital rounds, a testimony to the proactive ethos permeating this academic haven. A testament to academic eminence, GrSMU nurtures aspiring minds within its well-appointed laboratories and clinical enclaves, where real human cadavers bear witness to the pursuit of knowledge in its most authentic form. The hallowed corridors of State Hospitals resonate with the cadence of rigorous clinical training, for it is here that the symphony of expertise reaches its zenith, shaping astute MD scholars equipped to elevate the medical landscape.

In the grand tapestry of university life, clinical work is not an isolated endeavor but an intrinsic thread woven seamlessly. The luminous legacy of Grodno’s clinicians reverberates far beyond the university gates, manifesting in the triumph of the region, celebrated as a paragon of excellence within the nation’s borders. Without a shadow of doubt, the clinician’s vocation resonates as the cornerstone of Grodno’s prosperity, and for years, this bastion of brilliance has stood unwavering, an exemplar of what can be achieved when dedication converges with erudition.

Being a distinguished state-owned institution (Government), GrSMU’s caliber of education and the spectrum of clinical exposure it offers stand unparalleled. The strides taken in advancing both pre-clinical and clinical studies set it leagues apart from any other state university, all the more remarkable when one considers the cost of education.

The university commands fervent demand from every Sri Lankan student, drawn by its extensive array of facilities and cutting-edge technological provisions tailored to the pursuit of medicine within a State-level educational framework. Presently, over 1500 students are immersed in the study of medicine in Belarus, with a substantial contingent of 300+ students flourishing specifically within the nurturing embrace of Grodno State Medical University.


MD (Doctor of Medicine)
6 Years
Tuition Fee
2350 USD (Approx. semester fee)

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Entry Criteria

Entry Pathways Minimum Entry Requirement
Direct Entry

Local (Sri-Lankan) Advanced Level or London (Cambridge/Edexcel) Advanced Level

CCS (Local AL) / CCD (London AL) or above.Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
“S / D” Grade can only be considered for Physics

English Requirement

Credit pass for English in O/Levels or A/Levels.

Note – Students who wish to appear for the ACT16/ERPM in Sri Lanka to obtain the registration on Sri Lanka Medical Council to practice medicine in Sri Lanka should fulfill the Minimum Advanced Level entry criteria (C,C,S for Local A/L Examination and C,C,D for London A/L Examination in the subjects Biology, Chemistry and Physics) stipulated by the Sri Lanka medical Council (SLMC).

Academic Pathway


–  In order to “Practice Medicine” medical graduates are required to pass the relevant “Medical Licensing Examination” in the respective countries.

– BCE Education assist in arranging “Internships” and preparing students  for “Medical Licensing Examinations” with the affiliation of our global partners for students who wish to work overseas straight after the Medical degree without coming back to Sri-Lanka.

Why Grodno State Medical University?

One of the “Top 600 Universities” in the world. – Source - RankPro
One of the Leading Medical Universities in the Republic of Belarus
Certificate in Merit for contribution in training highly qualified medical professionals.
Won "Brand of the Year - 2013" in "Science and Education"
The most selected destination and university among Sri-Lankan students.
Comprehensive clinical training several specialized government hospitals.
350+ Sri-Lankan student communities.
Achieved the Prize of the Government of Belarus for achievements in the field of “Quality”. (In 2011)
Won the professional contest "Brand of the Year - 2014" in the category "Export".
Accredited as a scientific organization.
Received status of “Expert” in the field of “Education and Science”.
An accredited member of the International program "Global World Communicator (GWC) “Education and Science”.
100% English Medium Curriculum.
Affordable Tuition fee.
GrSMU’s magazine is included in the bibliographic database “E-library”.
Virtual laparoscopic surgery workshops in practical training lab.
Various fields of training such as general medicine, medical psychology, medical diagnostics, nursing and pediatrics
Teachers publish manuals and textbooks for students
Theoretical and practical clinical training of students is upgraded every year.
Small group classes. 1:10 for better individual attention
Possibility to take practical training in Poland and Germany
Staff of the University received 158 patents for inventions and utility models, 125 positive decisions, 3 certificates for trademarks.
The GRSMU Open Olympiad – competition to assess knowledge of students for studying in GrSMU
Grodno is an ideal place for living and studying.
Research opportunities through TEMPUS Program (Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies)
Take part in Erasmus Program – European Union student exchange programs.
Adopting research areas inside the campus. (Early diagnosis, treatment of patients)
Collaborated with Public Health officials of Belarus between clinical departments, municipal medial & prophylactic institutions.

Recognition and Accreditation

The recognition and accreditation of a medical education program play a pivotal role in shaping future career prospects and long-term impacts. The MD program holds full accreditation from the following esteemed institutions:

World Health Organization (WHO): The program is included in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), a recognition of its global standards.
Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC): The MD program is recognized by the Sri Lanka Medical Council, ensuring its alignment with local medical standards.
General Medical Council (UK): Accreditation by the General Medical Council of the UK signifies international recognition and adherence to high educational standards.
Australian Medical Council (Australia): Accreditation by the Australian Medical Council attests to the program's quality and relevance to medical education in Australia.
Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG of USA): Recognition by ECFMG validates the program's suitability for students aspiring to practice medicine in the USA.
Maldives Quality Authority (MQA – Maldives): Accreditation by MQA ensures that the MD program meets the quality standards set for medical education in the Maldives.
Malaysian Medical Council (MMC – Malaysia): The MD program's recognition by the Malaysian Medical Council reinforces its quality and eligibility for medical practice in Malaysia.

This robust network of recognitions and accreditations underscores the MD program’s commitment to delivering excellence in medical education on a global scale and sets a strong foundation for the future careers of its graduates.

Overview of University:

Recognition and Awards: The university is a prominent medical institution in Belarus and has received a Certificate of Merit for contributing to the training of highly qualified medical professionals. It also won the “Brand of the Year – 2013” award in the “Science and Education” category and the “Brand of the Year – 2014” award in the “Export” category.

Preferred Destination: The university is a preferred destination among Sri Lankan students, with a strong student community of 350+ Sri Lankan students.

Clinical Training: The university offers comprehensive clinical training in various specialized government hospitals.

Accreditation and Recognition: The university is accredited as a scientific organization and holds the status of “Expert” in the field of “Education and Science.” It’s also an accredited member of the International program “Global World Communicator (GWC) Education and Science.”

Curriculum and Language: The university offers a 100% English medium curriculum, making it accessible to international students. The tuition fee is affordable.

Academic Excellence: Faculty members have published manuals and textbooks for students. Theoretical and practical clinical training is continuously upgraded.

Student-Centric Approach: Small group classes ensure a favorable student-teacher ratio (1:10) for individual attention.

International Opportunities: Students have the opportunity to undertake practical training in countries like Poland and Germany. The university is also part of the Erasmus Program, offering European Union student exchange programs.

Research and Innovation: The university is involved in research areas such as early diagnosis and patient treatment. Faculty members have received patents for inventions and utility models.

Collaboration: The university collaborates with public health officials and municipal medical institutions in Belarus.

Campus and Living: The city of Grodno provides an ideal environment for living and studying.

Overall, the university stands out for its recognition, awards, strong international presence, quality education, and commitment to research and innovation. It offers a diverse range of opportunities for students to excel in the medical field.


  • The university leverages state-of-the-art “Anatomage tables” for advanced Anatomy instruction, embracing cutting-edge technology to enhance education. Modern computer technologies are seamlessly integrated into the educational process, enriching the learning experience..
  • Multimedia presentations are employed to craft training videos, incorporating role-playing and medical virtual reality scenarios.
  • The university boasts a Laboratory of Molecular Genetic Investigation, contributing to research and learning in the field.
  • The library’s website was recognized with an award in a CIS competition for medical libraries in 2012, underscoring its excellence.
  • The university pioneered the use of the first medical laboratory for practical training in Belarus.
  • Simulation Laboratories, such as Simulation Hospital Wards, provide students with a realistic environment to hone their skills.
  • Computerized mannequins aid students in building confidence and reducing medical errors before interacting with real patients.
  • A modern computer 4D program is integrated with the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital, facilitating advanced learning.
  • The university boasts the largest medical library in the country, with an extensive collection of over 42,000 copies.
  • Facilities like on-site canteen, well-equipped gymnasium, and sports amenities cater to students’ comfort and well-being.
  • Comfortable hostels within walking distance of the university offer convenient accommodation.
  • Student recreation facilities are provided to ensure a balanced lifestyle.
  • More than 25 Clinical departments provide diverse learning opportunities.
  • The university’s strategic location ensures close proximity to medical facilities and hospital locations.
  • The Student Scientific Society encourages and develops student research, fostering collaborations beyond Belarus for broader exposure.
  • The Young Scientists Council engages students in finding solutions to real-world problems through conferences, seminars, and more.
  • This dynamic blend of modern resources, advanced facilities, and collaborative learning initiatives positions the university as a hub of innovation and holistic education.


Students at the university are offered accommodation options that cater to their preferences. They can choose between the university’s own “Hostel Accommodation” or opt for “Private Apartment type accommodation”. There are three distinct categories of hostel accommodation available:

  1. Old International Student Hostels: These hostels are conveniently located just a 3-minute walking distance from the university campus. They provide easy accessibility to university facilities and activities.
  2. New International Student Hostels: Situated at a slightly longer distance of 10 to 15 minutes on foot from the university, these modern hostels offer comfortable living spaces for students.
  3. Russian Hostels: Also located just a 3-minute walk from the university, these hostels provide students with a convenient and close proximity to their academic environment.

These diverse accommodation options ensure that students can choose the setting that best suits their preferences, proximity to the campus, and overall comfort during their academic journey.

OLD International Student Hostel

  • Block-type accommodation with 4 rooms in each block.
  • Rooms include 2 Dual Sharing Rooms and 2 Triple Sharing Rooms.
  • Each block has a common kitchen, 2 toilets, and 2 bathrooms.
  • Each room is furnished with 2 or 3 beds, wardrobes, study tables, electronic cooker, and other amenities.

NEW International Student Hostel

  • Block-type accommodation with 3 double occupancy rooms in each block.
  • Each block has a common kitchen equipped with refrigerator, pantry cupboards, and an electric cooker, along with a toilet and a bath cubicle.
  • Each room is equipped with 2 beds, 2 study tables, a wardrobe with two sections for two students, heating facilities, electronic stove, and other amenities.
  • Additional facilities include a student lobby area, elevators, secured entrance gates, outdoor sports arena, and separate gym facilities for both genders.

Russian Hostel

  • Room-type accommodation with triple occupancy basis.
  • Common kitchen and washroom facilities for each floor.
  • Each room includes 3 beds, study tables, a wardrobe, and heating facilities.
  • Other amenities include a gymnasium, hostel reading rooms, etc.

Living Conditions

  • Hostel living conditions are of high standards with central heating, hot water systems, cookers, electricity, and water supply.
  • Students have the option to prepare meals individually or collectively in their hostels.

Private Apartment Accommodation

  • Through BCE Foreign office in Belarus, students can book private apartments.
  • This option is relatively more expensive than university hostels.
  • BCE Education can arrange private apartment facilities upon student and parent requests for luxurious accommodation with more privacy.
  • Students can share a private apartment and share rental costs with each other.
  • Students need to inform BCE officials in advance to book an apartment.
  • Student security is maintained, whether in university hostels or private apartments, as BCE staff in Belarus oversees safety.

Why choose BCE Education for Grodno State Medical University?

  • Official Authorized Representative: BCE Education holds the distinction of being the official authorized representative of Grodno State Medical University in Sri Lanka. This exclusive authorization establishes our credibility and direct connection with the university.
  • Dedicated Foreign Office: We are the sole Sri Lankan representative with a dedicated foreign office situated near Grodno State Medical University. Our full-time working staff ensures comprehensive support throughout the entire 6-year study duration in Belarus.
  • Holistic Responsibility: Our presence and commitment in Belarus go beyond conventional representation. We assume full responsibility for facilitating a seamless and enriching academic journey for our students.
  • Local Expertise: Our local staff possess in-depth knowledge of the university, its facilities, and the city of Grodno. This expertise guarantees students a smoother transition and a productive learning experience.
  • Personalized Guidance: We offer personalized guidance, addressing individual queries and concerns, ensuring that students and parents are well-informed and confident about their educational choices.
  • Efficient Coordination: Our foreign office is equipped to efficiently manage administrative and logistical aspects, making the transition, settling in, and ongoing academic activities hassle-free.
  • Continuous Support: From admission to graduation, BCE Education remains steadfast in offering continuous support, making us a constant companion in your educational journey.
  • Cultural Bridge: Our presence fosters a strong cultural bridge, helping students adapt to their new environment and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
  • Enhanced Experience: With a full-time team at your side, you can focus on academic pursuits, practical training, and research opportunities, enhancing your overall learning experience.
  • Peace of Mind: Our established presence offers peace of mind to both students and parents, knowing that they have a reliable partner assisting them every step of the way.
  • Choosing BCE Education as your representative for Grodno State Medical University ensures a well-rounded, supportive, and enriching academic journey in Belarus. We are committed to empowering your pursuit of excellence in medical education.

Service Provided by BCE Education Office – Colombo.

  • University Application Lodging: We assist in lodging your university application, streamlining the process and ensuring accurate submission..
  • SLMC Clearance Guidance: Our expert team guides you in obtaining Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) clearance letters, a crucial step in your medical education journey.
  • Pre-University Preparation (Pre-Med) Program: Enjoy a comprehensive and FREE Pre-University Preparation program designed to give you a competitive edge before the semester begins.
  • University Entrance Examination Training: Receive comprehensive training to excel in the University Entrance Examination, a vital milestone in securing your spot at Grodno State Medical University.
  • Proven Track Record: Benefit from our impressive track record of achieving a 100% pass rate in University Entrance Exam training, ensuring your success.
  • Student Visa Assistance: We guide you through the student visa process, ensuring you have all the necessary documentation and information.
  • Air Ticket Arrangements: Our services extend to assisting you in arranging air tickets for your journey to Belarus, making your travel planning smoother.
  • Accommodation Arrangements: Choose between university hostel accommodation or private apartment arrangements facilitated by our team.
  • USMLE Exam Training (USA) / AMC Exam Training (AUS): Through our global partners, we aid in preparing for the USMLE exam (USA) or AMC exam (Australia), opening doors to international medical practice.
  • With BCE Education, you’re not just a student; you’re a part of a comprehensive support system that ensures your journey to Grodno State Medical University is smooth, successful, and enriched. From application to post-graduation plans, we’re here to empower your medical education aspirations.

Services Provided by BCE Office in Belarus

  • Airport Pick-Up: We ensure a warm welcome by arranging airport pick-up services for arriving students.
  • Dinner on Arrival: A hearty dinner awaits students upon their arrival, ensuring a comfortable transition.
  • Pre-Arrival Accommodation: We organize accommodation arrangements prior to students’ arrival, ensuring a seamless settling-in process.
  • Parent Visits: For parents visiting students, we assist in arranging visas, accommodation, and airport pickups.
  • Settlement Assistance: We guide students in purchasing essential items needed for their comfortable settlement in Belarus.
  • Medical Tests and University Registration: We accompany students for required medical tests and university registration procedures upon arrival.
  • City Orientation: A city orientation helps students become familiar with their new environment and surroundings.
  • Medical Emergency Support: In times of medical emergencies, we facilitate consultation with health professionals, ensuring students’ well-being.
  • Final Degree Certification: We assist students in obtaining final degree certifications from relevant authorities in Belarus, a mandatory step for validation.
  • Internship Coordination: For students seeking internships in Belarus without returning to Sri Lanka, we help.
  • Issue Resolution: We liaise with the university and the BCE Office in Colombo to address academic and accommodation-related issues effectively.
  • University Coordination: We help students communicate with the university regarding academic matters, hostel accommodation, and other requirements.
  • Comprehensive Support: Our services extend to any other needs within our scope of work, ensuring that students receive comprehensive assistance.

With BCE Education in Belarus, students have a dedicated support system that takes care of their needs, ensuring a smooth and successful educational journey at Grodno State Medical University.

Career Outcomes

The Republic of Belarus guarantees internship opportunities for candidates aspiring to work within its borders or in other countries upon passing relevant medical licensing exams. Grodno State Medical University facilitates students in completing their Clinical Residency, a year-long program that offers over 20 specialties for medical graduates to choose from.

Career Progression: Graduates have a plethora of career opportunities, including roles such as head of department and chief doctor. Private practice is also an option. The path can extend to research, graduate studies, candidacy, and doctorate in medical science. Graduates can even become educators at medical universities.

Continued Education: The medical career journey often involves further training. The MD program from Grodno State Medical University is truly international and equips graduates to practice medicine in the UK, USA, Australia, and more. It is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools by WHO, ensuring global recognition of the degree. This paves the way for careers worldwide.

Medical Licensing Exams: Students aspiring to pursue a medical career in Sri Lanka can successfully opt for the medical licensing examination ACT16 / ERPM (Examination to Register & Practice Medicine in Sri Lanka).


Training For Licensing Exams

The comprehensive education and global recognition offered by Grodno State Medical University open doors to diverse career paths and ensure that graduates are well-equipped to excel in the medical field across different countries and contexts.

With the overarching goal of “Nurturing Caring Minds for the World,” BCE Education is dedicated to assisting students in preparing for medical licensing examinations worldwide.

ERPM Training in Sri Lanka: For graduates aiming to practice medicine in Sri Lanka after successfully completing their medical degree abroad, BCE Education guides students to find top ERPM training consultants in Sri Lanka. This guidance ensures they gain the necessary competencies for the ERPM/ACT16 exam.

Australian Medical Council (AMC) Examination Training: BCE Education is affiliated with premier Australian Medical Council Examination trainers in Australia. Students aspiring to practice medicine in Australia can benefit from this affiliation by receiving guidance on the best AMC exam training programs.

United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Training: Through its affiliation with Kaplan Medical, a leading USMLE training provider, BCE Education offers students the opportunity to participate in the best USMLE training programs. This support is invaluable for students aiming to practice medicine in the USA.

BCE Education’s affiliations and partnerships ensure that students receive the highest-quality training and preparation for various medical licensing examinations, enabling them to fulfill their aspirations of practicing medicine globally.

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